Williams Inspection Services Inc. is committed to providing safety and health related orientation and training to all employees at all levels of the organization. Since beginning operations in 2001, our safety program has resulted in the following: 17 years of operation with no fatalities, fines, environmental or safety citations. 12 years of operation since last Lost Time Accident (LTA).
Williams Inspection Services Inc. believes in the safety and health of all our employees and believes in the protection of our environment.
All WIS employees will participate and become involved in the ongoing safety and health training program. The frequency, repetitiveness and subject matter will be determined by training assessments, audits, client specific needs and recertification's when applicable. Ongoing HS&E training will be performed at least annually or in a manner that supports individual safety awareness. Safety topics that are presented weekly and discussions should serve as refresher training, as reinforcement of safe work procedures, and to communicate new safety and health information.
The following is a list of classroom and/or computer based training that all inspection personnel are required to take as part of Williams Inspections continuous training program.
Hazard Communication
Emergency Response Control Measures
Bloodborne Pathogens
Violence in the Workplace
First Aid & CPR
Confined Space
Hearing Conservation
Marine Trash
Respiratory Protection
Housekeeping Safety
Understanding MSDS
Fall Protection
Crane Hand Signals
Hot Work
Fire Safety & Prevention
Personal Protective Equipment
Access to Medical Records
Heat Stress
Behavior Based Safety
Defensive Driving
Hydrogen Sulfide
Permit to Work
Slips, Trips & Falls
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Job Safety Analysis
Scaffold Safety
Common Toxins
Effective Supervision
Knife Safety
PPE Awareness & Hazardous ID
Stop Work Authority
To view our Safety Manual table of contents to see all areas of safety and compliance that we cover Click Here